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Ashtakoot Dosha: Understanding the Eight Factors of Marital Compatibility

Acharya Ashish Jaiprakash
Ashtakoot Dosha: Understanding the Eight Factors of Marital Compatibility

In Vedic astrology, marital compatibility is not just about love and connection; it's also about the alignment of the stars. Ashtakoot, also known as Ashtakoota Milan or Gun Milan, is a system used to assess compatibility between potential spouses based on eight crucial factors derived from their birth charts (Kundlis). Understanding Ashtakoot can provide valuable insights into the potential strengths and weaknesses of a marriage.

The eight Kootas or Aspects of Ashtakoota are as follows:

Varna (Cast): 

 This factor considers the social classes (varnas) of the bride and groom. While the significance of Varna has diminished in contemporary society, it's still a consideration in some communities. In traditional Hindu society, varna was a crucial determinant of social roles and privileges. However, modern interpretations emphasize individual merit and compatibility over caste boundaries.

Vashya (Dominance):

This aspect analyzes which partner has a stronger influence or dominance in the relationship. Ideally, balanced Vashya ensures a sense of equality and mutual respect. A harmonious balance of power in a relationship fosters cooperation, compromise, and healthy decision-making. However, excessive dominance from one partner can lead to conflicts, resentment, and imbalance in the relationship dynamics. 

Tara (Birth Star):

 This factor examines the compatibility between the birth stars (nakshatras) of the bride and groom. Certain nakshatras are believed to be more harmonious than others. Astrological compatibility based on nakshatras plays a significant role in determining the potential success and longevity of a marriage. Aligning the birth stars optimally is believed to enhance emotional connection, understanding, and overall compatibility between partners. 

Yoni (Nature): 

This aspect focuses on the inherent nature and sexual compatibility of the partners. Yoni compatibility is believed to contribute to intimacy and fulfillment in marriage. Matching yonis signify compatibility in physical and emotional intimacy, enhancing marital bliss and satisfaction. However, disparities in yoni compatibility may lead to misunderstandings, dissatisfaction, and challenges in maintaining a fulfilling relationship.

Graha Maitri (Friendship): 

This factor analyzes the friendly or inimical relationships between the planets placed in each partner's charts. Favorable planetary alignments are believed to promote harmony and understanding. The compatibility of planetary placements reflects the potential for mutual support, empathy, and cooperation between partners. Positive graha maitri indicates shared values, interests, and goals, facilitating effective communication, conflict resolution, and emotional connection.

Gana (Character):

This aspect considers the character types (deva, manuṣya, and rakshasa) associated with the birth nakshatras of the bride and groom. Compatible Ganas are believed to foster a supportive and respectful relationship. Matching ganas signify alignment in temperament, values, and lifestyle preferences, promoting mutual understanding, compatibility, and emotional resonance.

Bhakoot (Relative Influence of Planets)

This factor analyzes the placement of certain planets (Jupiter, Mars, and Venus) in the birth charts and their potential influence on the marriage. Specific placements are considered more favorable for marital harmony.  Bhakoot compatibility indicates the potential for shared aspirations, mutual growth, and prosperity in marriage. Favorable planetary combinations enhance compatibility, emotional connection, and overall well-being in the relationship.

Nadi (Health):

This aspect examines the compatibility of the bride and groom's nadi (energetic channels) based on their birth nakshatras. Balanced Nadi compatibility is believed to contribute to good health and well-being in the couple. Matching nadis signify harmony in physical, mental, and spiritual energies, promoting vitality, longevity, and overall wellness in the marriage.

Significance of Each Gunas in Matching

Each of the eight Kootas (aspects) in Ashtakoot is assigned a specific number of points, typically ranging from 1 to 8. The ideal score for a perfectly compatible match is 36 points (8 points for each Koota). A higher score generally indicates better compatibility, while a lower score suggests potential challenges that the couple might need to navigate.

It's important to remember that Ashtakoot is not a deal-breaker. Even couples with lower scores can have successful marriages if they address the underlying astrological influences and focus on building a strong foundation of communication, respect, and shared values.

Effects of Ashtakoot Dosh

Lack of understanding

In cases where Ashtakoot Dosh is prominent, there might be persistent misunderstandings or difficulties in expressing thoughts and feelings. This can lead to conflicts and strain the relationship.

Difficulty achieving emotional or physical intimacy:

Ashtakoot Dosh can create barriers to establishing emotional closeness and physical intimacy between partners. Trust issues or emotional distance may hinder the development of a deep connection.

Financial instability or disagreements: 

Ashtakoot Dosha can manifest as financial challenges within the relationship. Disagreements over money management, differing financial goals, or unexpected financial setbacks may arise, causing stress and tension.

Health concerns for one or both partners:

 Imbalanced Kootas in Ashtakoot matching may be associated with health issues for one or both partners. These health concerns could range from chronic ailments to more acute conditions, impacting the overall well-being of the individuals and affecting their relationship dynamics.

Delays in childbirth:

Ashtakoot Dosh can influence fertility and reproductive health, leading to delays in conceiving or difficulties in childbirth. Additionally, once children are born, there may be challenges in parenting or disagreements in child-rearing approaches due to the discordance in the Kootas.

Points Obtained Results

36 points (maximum):

This score indicates an exceptionally compatible match, suggesting a high potential for a harmonious and successful marriage. The alignment of key aspects in both individuals' charts signifies a natural synergy and understanding between partners

28-32 points:

Falling within this range signifies very good compatibility, providing a strong foundation for a happy and fulfilling marriage. While not perfect, the alignment of most key factors indicates a substantial level of harmony and understanding between partners.

23-27 points:

This score suggests good compatibility between partners, although some adjustments and efforts might be needed to navigate potential challenges. While certain aspects of the charts may not perfectly align, there is still a significant degree of harmony and potential for growth in the relationship. 

18-22 points:

Falling within this range indicates average compatibility between partners. While there may be some common ground and shared values, there are also notable differences that require careful consideration. Couples in this range should approach their relationship with realistic expectations, understanding that challenges may arise.

Below 18 points:

A score below 18 points suggests lower compatibility between partners, indicating potential challenges in various aspects of the relationship. Deep introspection, astrological guidance, and a strong commitment from both partners are essential for navigating the complexities and potential obstacles in such marriages.

It's important to note that these are just general interpretations, and a qualified astrologer can provide a more nuanced analysis based on the specific planetary placements and interactions in the couple's birth charts.


What happens if the Ashtakoot scores are low?

A low Ashtakoot score doesn't necessarily mean a doomed relationship. It simply indicates potential areas that might require extra attention and effort. Consulting an astrologer can help understand the specific challenges and suggest remedies or strategies to mitigate  the negative influences. Ultimately, a strong foundation of love, respect, and shared values can help couples overcome astrological challenges.

Is Ashtakoot matching mandatory for marriage?

No, Ashtakoot matching is not mandatory for marriage. The decision to marry rests with the couple and their families. However, understanding Ashtakoot compatibility can provide valuable insights and a starting point for discussions.

Are there remedies for mitigating low Ashtakoot scores?

Vedic astrology offers various remedies (upaya) to appease planets causing imbalances and potentially reduce the negative effects of Ashtakoot Dosh. These can include:

Performing specific pujas (rituals) or chanting mantras associated with the relevant planets.
Wearing gemstones like Ruby (Manikya) or Emerald (Panna) based on astrological recommendations.
Donating specific items or engaging in charitable acts on auspicious days.

Should Ashtakoot matching be the sole basis for deciding on a marriage partner?

Ashtakoot matching is just one factor to consider in marital compatibility. While it offers valuable insights into astrological influences, other aspects are equally important. These include Emotional compatibility,Shared values and goals,Communication and respect,Family and social compatibility, Individual growth and maturity.

How are the Gunas assigned scores in Ashtakoot matching?

he scoring system in Ashtakoot matching can vary slightly depending on the specific school of Vedic astrology. Generally, each Koota (aspect) is analyzed based on the placements of planets and nakshatras in the bride and groom's birth charts. Acharya Parasara, a renowned astrologer, outlined a point system for each Koota, with a maximum of 8 points awarded for maximum compatibility and fewer points for less favorable placements.

This Blog is Written by Renowned Astrologer Acharya Ashish Jaiprakash Sharma. If you want to Consult him personally you can visit AstroSawal where he is a Chief Astrologer.

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